Oh Snap Blogstar is dead

Well it's gone, been gone. I've been so busy with the band ( Alex Smith and the 2 Car Garage) that I didn't notice until I want to look at some old shows, they are all gone! Not a warning! So were does this blog focus now, I guess band road trips and stories!
So last week we played a show in a local museum, that use to be a high school! Talk about echo,echo,echo! To top things off I get so drunk I forget were I put my drum sticks and my with finds them 4 days later!!
More to come!!

Oh Snap Beer and Banana!!

Oh Snap, Wells Banana Bread Beer, it smells like a banana and tastes like a beer. My Wife and I love to have a beer and movie night. This one my wife says lets try a new beer, and then says it's got Bananas. Of course I'm thinking great  fruity beer. Oh Snap this beer was great, not too fruity, not to heavy,crisp and refreshing. Some beers go great with steak, some   would go great with a desert. This will can hold its on with both. this is a all a round good beer. This beer really makes me rethink fruit flavored beers.(Not ciders) The bottle says , that at one time beer was known as "liquid bread", well why not a banana bread beer!

4 Oh Snaps out of 5 get you some banana bread beer fool!

Oh Snap Review: PS3 or Wii netflix

Oh snap my wife did a very smart thing she ordered the Netflix home movie disks for both the PS3 and the Wii! All I can say is job well done.
Both play instant movies from your instant queue. If you change a movie from the PS3 or your computer it updates to all sources! With Netflix's new movie list it's really fun to watch old movies that havnt gone to HD yet.
Now the Wii doesn't have HD, but it does make it nice to have in the bedroom. So the PS3 with HD in the front with the big screen full 7.1 surround sound, and the little Wii in the bed room! The Wii is a little easier to navigate due to the Wii remote. I can also run both at the same time! That means I can watch Godzilla in the front room ( in HD) and anime in the back, for the wife! This also moves me and my family one step closer to having no cable or satellite and watching everything online!
These two disks get 5 out of 5 oh snaps!

oh snap The Expendables - Trailer - CraveOnline.com

I think I just Jizzed my pants again... tons of action stars this should be the bomb!!

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Oh Snap Beer Review: Moe's Backroom Amber Ale

Well while watching opening baseball at home I had a chance to try the Moe's Backroom Amber Ale. This smooth refreshing ale is great with the hot dogs I was eating, trying to feel like I was at the game. The bottles look even adds to the teaste that you get with this beer! A 5 Oh Snaps out of 5!
This is my 1st post on my iPhone, I know I'm late to the game but I'm here and I'm going to have some fun with this!

Oh Snap I'm a displaced Chicago Sports team fan!

Wow here I sit on the morning of Opening Day, thinking about how when my Dad was alive,  how many times did I come home from high school dad on the couch watching the Cubs, cussing about not hitting the numbers. I remember also thinking why the Cubs? I was born in Illinois but I was raised in Texas. I could remember thinking  The Astros would stomp them Dad.

I can't remember when it changed and I started cheering for the Cubs. I remember having internal battles cheering for the Rockets but wanting the Bulls to win. Hell I remember the " Super Bowl Shuffle"! I remember too thinking damn Warren Moon is going to be great!

What I can't remember is when i started cheering for only Chicago teams. It must be something breed into someone from Illinois because now I stick by my teams through it all. The good and the bad! Yeah I wish my Texas teams the best of luck but, there is really something about those Chicago teams that still to this day drive me wild!

Oh snap, to all my fantasy league mates yes I know I can't win with all Chicago players but I still think the one I pick or the best they have!

Go Cubs Go!