Oh Snap my PS3 has movies now!!
I have to say yesterday when I heard that PS3 was getting rental movies on the Playstation Store, I thought I'd see a lot of really bad movies or just straight to DVD ones. But then I saw the E3 press coverage of the Sony E3 conference. Oh Snap he showed "Cloverfield" now no matter what you think of the movie that's a recent release. So when I saw the "video" button last night I looke around. Not only were there great new movies but great old movies to. I'm not sure how much I'll be using the service, but I'm liking the idea that it's there and for 2 buck I think I'll check out some TV shows I couldn't see because I didn't have the time. "Firefly" Comes to mind there, Just never could get the time to see it! So I give it a preview score of, Oh snap I gotz to see this!