Oh Snap five things you must do when moving from a small to a bigger small town!

Hey BroSuess here, you remember me the BB gun guy. Well I just moved from a small town to a bigger small town. (If that makes any sense.) In this move I made alot of mistakes which I don't what anyone else to make. So here are my top five things you must NOT do when moving that will make it easier for you!

  1. Don't move the same day you find the place your moving. We run and put the deposit down and had 5 boxes ready to go, but we didn't pack anything else...this made the whole WEEK of moving really long. "Honey I'll pack up the kitchen today!" "Ok baby I'll move it right when your done!" Needless to say lots of ,"Where the hell is this?", started to be asked from day one. Headache number one!

  2. Men don't do the,"I'll move the heavy stuff by myself "honey" thing!!" That's right wifey needs to help lift the couch, or the 51" rear projection TV made of wood that made my back crack like,"Snap, crackle, and pop" cereal! I also had a full size arcade machine (Street Fighter II). That son of a Bitch is heavy (500 lbs. plus) Now with that being said I have to give a shot out to the guy that helped me get that in the new house!!! Headache number two!

  3. Make sure the Electric company has the RIGHT address. That's right I told them Palestine,TX but they turn the power on in Arlington,TX. Do they rhyme...no! Do they both have the same street... well yes but different zip codes. I even corrected the lady and told her Palestine and she said she fixed it. Then on move day my wife,son and I were in the dark. Luckily they did record the call and they corrected the problem. Headache number three!!!

  4. Do not have sex in a dark hot house!! While the power was out me and the wifey thought "Hey lets break this house in!", only to find that my wife has alot of hole she doesn't want filled. I didn't realize I needed a light that badly!

  5. Beer Beer and more Beer! After not before, not during but after have a beer. I tried to have a beer while moving stuff in, then the power didn't come on and I was not hydrated and man that headache was bad. What made it worst was the wife yelling,  son crying and neighbors trying to be friendly when you just want to sleep. Yeah wait to the end and then get happy!!

All in all a good move was had by me and the wife but I hope these help you when that big move comes!

Oh Snap, I'm out like a 3 foot trout!!