Oh Snap Beer review #2 Pyraimd Apricot Ale!!!
I must say I'm like most men if the beer has fruit in it it must go, but my wife has says try it you might like it so...I tried it and ....I liked it. I didn't feel like a girl for drinking it the fruity flavor wasn't so strong i thought I was having a Apricot shake with beer in it. I'll say this too who the hell thought an Apricot would taste good in a ale, not me.. so this my start me rethinking my whole fruity beer thing. I know some will make me wish I had a lolly pop, but others may match the taste and enjoyment I got for this beer. I know this beer will make a home in my house from now on. Mostly this will be my while playing WOW (World of Warcraft) beer, for my sureal moments of bless while killing tons of NPC's or doing 25 man Raid where I have one job to do Tank the boss. Sorry nerd speak for a second....(lvl 70 Pally Tank with 2 T6 pieces of armor and only on blue)... ok I'm back in the real world. Anywho I give Pyramid Apricot Ale an "Oh Snap will get drunk and laid....and she won't be pretty" or a A.