Oh Snap what to do!

I'm trying to keep this writing my daily thoughts down but work keeps getting in the way! How can I just keep an eye on the news I need to fuel my art when there is a no social web policy at work! I can't even go to google reader and star items for later, all I can do is walk around the build I work at and take down these notes and hope someone will want to watch my show later this week! Please watch "Oh Snap" to see me and my wife fight about if it's my house or her house!

Oh Snap I really don't give a...

I know this is not my normal tone in these blog posts but I'm so medicated rigt now! Allergies are just in full swing with no end in sight. It's like if some one tried to pinch my nose, kick me in the head and make me smoke a pack a day! So I'm just telling my allergies, " I really don't give a shit!" I'm going to be ok and I'll get better, maybe, I hope!
I hope I can do the show today in a medicated state that would make the show a great mismatch for random ramblings!

See y'all tonight!