Oh snap I'm ready to go home!

Sitting at work, trying to think of if to make, "Oh Snap!" a weekly or biweekly show! I can't produce this show sitting at my desk at work. I have tried to email myself stories, but that is the long way to do this. Yes I do use google reader and "star"stories but that doesn't help when my work browser is IE6!
Well I guess I can just write down what I'm thinking about and post it on my blog until I can get insync with my news collection process!
This post brought to you benadryl for spacing out my mind!! Peace all!!

Oh Snap, More Beer reviews and Gaming show on the way!!

Later today I'll be posting a video version of my beer review you can watch me record it live on /live-stream/. I will be doing a Star Wars: The Old Republic show, with the warning that I'm in beta and can't say anything but I can show you what the developers want you to know.

If you want me to review a beer just tweet me at @brosuess, or Facebook me at http://www.facebook.com/Brosuess, or GooglePlus me +1 AlanWade!

Oh Snap, I almost cried...

While reading a story about Street Fighter. I remember going though about 90% of what this story talks about,(yeah I played the 1st Street Fighter game)! I remember the let down of the 3D Street fighter and the hopes when I downloaded Street Fighter HD remix on my PS3!!!
I've got Street Fighter4 and it was well worth it and now I really appreciate it!!!

click picture to read the story!!

Oh Snap...Chris Brown has messed up my DJ playlist!!

How am I going to play Chris Brown at the club I'm DJ'ing at?
I don't want girls spitting at me for playing he's songs or throwing there drinks at me. Hell I don't even want to watch his movies now either. It's kind of like Tyson, it's going to take me a good long while before I can look at him and think,"Well it's over now and maybe I'll give him another chance...maybe!'
I just have to remove his songs from my playlist and replace them with "Kid n Play" ,(Aint gonna hurt nobody)!!