Oh Snap I play too many games!!

I've been playing World of Warcraft on and off for atleast 2 years now and my Guild had a little get together of some of the old members. I finally got my Fraps to work so I can play and record so here's my 1st movie guys I hope you like!! I just posted this so give it a few!!

[vodpod id=Groupvideo.1418936&w=425&h=350&fv=%26rel%3D0%26border%3D0%26]
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Oh Snap, Why didn't anyone else pick this up!!!

While reading my google reader I saw a title to a story that i couldn't pass up. Where a naval officer in his opening remark says, (quoting rawstory.com),"If they hadn't shot down the fourth plane it would've hit the dome." This is in a court hearing for a Salim Hamdan who claims to be a taxi drive for BinLadin. Read more here. I'm just wondering who shot down flight 93 and does this change any movies about that flight!!

Oh Snap, Games E3 missed!!

OK E3 is over and some of us still have boners the size of a watermelons over some of the things we saw. What about some of the games we didn't see, I for one was wanting to hear about Tekken 6 or Even a rumored next-gen Aliens game. Well Kotaku.com found some of what happen to those games and more. The good and bad of why they weren't at E3, mostly bad. I really wanted to see a demo of Tekken 6 I've been a fan of that game since the old PSone series of games.

Please make this for PS3!!! Please make this for PS3!!!

Well check out the story here.

Oh Snap "Black cat fight!"

Hey I have no clue who Wendy Willams is but eveyone says she's a bitch, I have proof check out what Method Man says! [vodpod id=Groupvideo.1415092&w=425&h=350&fv=%26rel%3D0%26border%3D0%26]
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And of course the cat fight. Why is it when 2 black chicks, who have nothing going for them, get together they have to fight, this time no tities popped out. (Damn) Oh Wendy, you don't have to be mean to get ratings, just funny!! Oh Snap I'm Out!! [vodpod id=Groupvideo.1415093&w=425&h=350&fv=%26rel%3D0%26border%3D0%26]
more about "oh snap black cat fight!", posted with vodpod

Oh Snap top 10 things Kim Cattrall wants men to know....

Other than she's had her vagina redone in 98'. Look Mrs. Cattrall just because your On "Sex and the City" doesn't mean you really know men, case in point!!

old ass pussy Still hot old ass pussy!!

1. Women are interested in A-list things: A designers, A vacations, A orgasms.

Oh snap response: A 8 inch penis! Ha couldn't help that one!

2. Wait, let me rephrase that so there’s no confusion: multiple orgasms.

Oh snap response: Oh really, Multiple, even if we give you ladies that you always want more!!!

3. We want you to be true to yourselves. And to us. And not necessarily in that order.

Oh snap response: So I can tell you it wasn't me and as long as I believe it it's cool!!

4. No man should ever purchase anything called Follicare. If you’re going bald, then go bald and try to be proud.

Oh snap response: How about I buy it and not tell you!( refer to item 3)

5. The secret to getting out of trouble with your girlfriend is being funny. A funny man can be forgiven for anything. (Exceptions: cheating and comb-overs.)

Oh snap response: Try telling that to a bald comic!

6. We don’t find cigarettes sexy unless they’re in black-and-white movies or dangling from the lips of twenty-year-old Italian men.

Oh snap response:What about a joint!!

7. The vagina is a birth canal. The vulva is a gold mine.

Oh snap response: OK that one is right.

8. The only man who can pull off twelve different kinds of breakfast cereal is Jerry Seinfeld.

Oh snap response: But all you need is "Total"!!

9. It might seem strange, but every now and then, check out your backside in the mirror. If you don’t like what you see, chances are we feel the same.

Oh snap response:Clean the back seat of sloppy sex stains!!!

10. The women of the world want you to know that the clitoris is about an inch from where you think it is.

Oh snap response: oh so it's the anus then!!

Oh Snap my PS3 has movies now!!

Sweet movies, on PS3!!
I have to say yesterday when I heard that PS3 was getting rental movies on the Playstation Store, I thought I'd see a lot of really bad movies or just straight to DVD ones. But then I saw the E3 press coverage of the Sony E3 conference. Oh Snap he showed "Cloverfield" now no matter what you think of the movie that's a recent release. So when I saw the "video" button last night I looke around. Not only were there great new movies but great old movies to. I'm not sure how much I'll be using the service, but I'm liking the idea that it's there and for 2 buck I think I'll check out some TV shows I couldn't see because I didn't have the time. "Firefly" Comes to mind there, Just never could get the time to see it! So I give it a preview score of, Oh snap I gotz to see this!

Oh Snap I better post this before people forget, Eddie Murphy WAS funny!

I have a feeling he might make a come back with the Remake of "The Incredible Shrinking Man" . I mean how many people can he play in that one. But before everyone forgets he was funny(TISM won't be out till 2010) here is a reminder. Plus Eddie come on do some stand up man, I want cussing, mad, and leather wearing Eddie back!! Goodgooniegoogoo!!

[vodpod id=Groupvideo.1390164&w=425&h=350&fv=%26rel%3D0%26border%3D0%26]

Oh Snap I hope when I get old there are still strippers!

There are many things I’m open to, 80 yrs.old stripper is where I draw the line, so her she is Tempest Storm. It’s a thunderstorm! At least when I get old I know there will still be a stripper working that will get the old water boiling! It was the last pic that does it for me!! Hmmmm wrinkle booty!!

[vodpod id=Groupvideo.1390089&w=425&h=350&fv=]

Times that God, or whoever you believe or not believe in, tell you to stop doing dumb things!

Here's what a bad day really looks like. Here's also a good tip for you storm chasers out there whatever you do, ground yourself!

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Oh Snap movie Review... Wall-e!!

I will say this, any movie that keeps my 2 1/2 yrs. old son in his seat and has very few spoken words in it gets 5 stars from me!! If my son hadn't needed a poopy change in the middle of the film he would have sat the whole time, mouth open and quiet. (If you meet him and /or seen videos you know he moves around alot!)
Once again I found myself in love with a kids movie by PIXAR and I completely forgot I was there for my son!
Again Wall-e gets 5 stars from  Oh Snap this one keeps kids in their chair movie Review!!