Oh Snap Review: PS3 or Wii netflix

Oh snap my wife did a very smart thing she ordered the Netflix home movie disks for both the PS3 and the Wii! All I can say is job well done.
Both play instant movies from your instant queue. If you change a movie from the PS3 or your computer it updates to all sources! With Netflix's new movie list it's really fun to watch old movies that havnt gone to HD yet.
Now the Wii doesn't have HD, but it does make it nice to have in the bedroom. So the PS3 with HD in the front with the big screen full 7.1 surround sound, and the little Wii in the bed room! The Wii is a little easier to navigate due to the Wii remote. I can also run both at the same time! That means I can watch Godzilla in the front room ( in HD) and anime in the back, for the wife! This also moves me and my family one step closer to having no cable or satellite and watching everything online!
These two disks get 5 out of 5 oh snaps!

Oh Snap I got a bricked Treo 750!!

Oh Snap it's bricked!! Oh Snap it's bricked!!

So around the 4th of July I get a Palm Treo 750, my brother works for AT&T I got a deal. I've used it for about a week it's great I can send texts easy. The keypad for me is very responsive. The Windows Mobile 6 interface is ok works good with this smartphone. The only problem I have is that during the second week of use I could use the touch pad with my stylus. So I surf the forums to see if there is an update or quick fix. Come to find out this is a common problem that Palm has no intention of fixing. Seems that with a certain few Treos heat causes a problem with te touch screen ,causing it not to work. I know that the touch screen isn't totally gone because the keypad lights up when tapped but it seems it just doesn't know what to do with the info. Some suggests I got from the forums were to stick the Treo in the fridge. So I did and it worked for a few minutes. Some suggested a Hard reboot, now it's stuck at the "Align Screen"!! Any-who this one will be going back on warranty. I'll let you all know if the "new" one works better or just the same!!