Oh Snap, it's the pods from,"Invasion of the Body Snatchers!!"

Ok not really but they kind of look that way, I mean wow this is the new coffin. Plus it's green that's right it's a green coffin that means when you die you can either degree with you confines or rise up a lot easier as a zombie. Calling Agent Zulu I think they're tring to make it easier for the attack to come. Bio degradable coffins and urns, well maybe not the urns!

See looks like and acorn, "The sky is falling ...no what that's just Uncle Ted!" Well I for one am sold when I go I want to be in a green coffin! Check out Greenupgrader.com for more green ways to live!

Oh snap, This guy does not look like a Nerd, really!

Ok I tease this guy only in the fact that he really isn't helping me get my wife to play the game . He looks like what every person thinks a World Of Warcraft (WOW) player looks like. I know this is not true I mean I and only 140 lbs. soaking wet and I only have have one sci-fi poster on my office wall. very little facial hair and I've only seen "Lord of the Rings" 100 times and the extended versions 200 times. Hmmm ok so maybe I still have the nerd ball rolling But at least I didn't do a whole series on how to play WOW in nerd uniform.Any who this site really has some good how to's. Now if I can only get my wife to Level up a night elf female Shammy with big breasts...I'm in like flint!Oh snap I've gone to far again...I'm out like Gustav! (What too soon!)

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oh Snap, Dennis Kucinich at the DNC: Wake Up America!

While MSNBC, FOX and ABC are all saying Democrats aren't hitting hard at the Republican party, someone must have missed this speech. This might have been the hardest hit so far but where is this on the news. This is the fire and brimstone speech they have been looking for, not on major news. If you really want to see what Obama is about and what Mccain is about check out the website broadcasts GET The FULL story!

Side note: I came up with the slogan for the Democrats for the Convention. " Barrack "the Future" Obama vs. John "the Same" McCain! Who are you voting for!"

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Oh Snap Big Bras Now a Security Issue.

Now if taking your shoes off is not enough horny TSA agents are now making the Big Metal Bra wearing women take off their bras and walk though security. This poor lady has enough to worry about, the stares from men, the ladies saying ," How can she stand up with those things!", and the consent sound of pre-teen boners popping when she walks by, now the TSA feels( and I do mean feel!) the need to hassle "jugg-o-lious" women for the sake of national security. (Well if the boobs are big she could have bombs in them!) I guess this is another phrase you won't here in the security line anymore,"Damn her boobs are the bomb!" Ok now that I'm done writting I'm going to pull my pants up! Oh snap...I'm out like strip club boobies! Click pic for full story!!

Oh Snap five things you must do when moving from a small to a bigger small town!

Hey BroSuess here, you remember me the BB gun guy. Well I just moved from a small town to a bigger small town. (If that makes any sense.) In this move I made alot of mistakes which I don't what anyone else to make. So here are my top five things you must NOT do when moving that will make it easier for you!

  1. Don't move the same day you find the place your moving. We run and put the deposit down and had 5 boxes ready to go, but we didn't pack anything else...this made the whole WEEK of moving really long. "Honey I'll pack up the kitchen today!" "Ok baby I'll move it right when your done!" Needless to say lots of ,"Where the hell is this?", started to be asked from day one. Headache number one!

  2. Men don't do the,"I'll move the heavy stuff by myself "honey" thing!!" That's right wifey needs to help lift the couch, or the 51" rear projection TV made of wood that made my back crack like,"Snap, crackle, and pop" cereal! I also had a full size arcade machine (Street Fighter II). That son of a Bitch is heavy (500 lbs. plus) Now with that being said I have to give a shot out to the guy that helped me get that in the new house!!! Headache number two!

  3. Make sure the Electric company has the RIGHT address. That's right I told them Palestine,TX but they turn the power on in Arlington,TX. Do they rhyme...no! Do they both have the same street... well yes but different zip codes. I even corrected the lady and told her Palestine and she said she fixed it. Then on move day my wife,son and I were in the dark. Luckily they did record the call and they corrected the problem. Headache number three!!!

  4. Do not have sex in a dark hot house!! While the power was out me and the wifey thought "Hey lets break this house in!", only to find that my wife has alot of hole she doesn't want filled. I didn't realize I needed a light that badly!

  5. Beer Beer and more Beer! After not before, not during but after have a beer. I tried to have a beer while moving stuff in, then the power didn't come on and I was not hydrated and man that headache was bad. What made it worst was the wife yelling,  son crying and neighbors trying to be friendly when you just want to sleep. Yeah wait to the end and then get happy!!

All in all a good move was had by me and the wife but I hope these help you when that big move comes!

Oh Snap, I'm out like a 3 foot trout!!

Oh Snap Now the Olympics are over!!

This is what the bored over seas Asian man does after coming home to a dirty house from living in a hotel in Beijing all week.I will say this is a smart way to get kids to do there chores, " Hey mom I'm going to WII the floor real quick!"

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more about "Oh Snap Now the Olympics are over!!", posted with vodpod

Oh Snap 100 degrees out, I took off my shirt!!

Well I've talked about being in Texas and the heat. How I have 4 a/c units going 3 fans 5 ceiling fans and always a bottle of water. Today I took off my shirt while my fan was running on high and the air on high. Temp in my house unknown needle is gone! Outside temp with out heat index 100 degrees , with 105. I thought you guys need to see me shirtless so here it is ladies, yes there is a bird in my chest! I can't wait to move!

Oh Snap Beer review #2 Pyraimd Apricot Ale!!!

I must say I'm like most men if the beer has fruit in it it must go, but my wife has says try it you might like it so...I tried it and ....I liked it. I didn't feel like a girl for drinking it the fruity flavor wasn't so strong i thought I was having a Apricot shake with beer in it. I'll say this too who the hell thought an Apricot would taste good in a ale, not me.. so this my start me rethinking my whole fruity beer thing. I know some will make me wish I had a lolly pop, but others may match the taste and enjoyment I got for this beer. I know this beer will make a home in my house from now on. Mostly this will be my while playing WOW (World of Warcraft) beer, for my sureal moments of bless while killing tons of NPC's or doing 25 man Raid where I have one job to do Tank the boss. Sorry nerd speak for a second....(lvl 70 Pally Tank with 2 T6 pieces of armor and only on blue)... ok I'm back in the real world. Anywho I give Pyramid Apricot Ale an "Oh Snap will get drunk and laid....and she won't be pretty" or a A.

Oh Snap G.I. Joe re-enacts "The Thing"

Oh snap this blow my mind! Good music good movie , hell I hate to say almost as good as "Robot Chicken". I said almost, but for some weekend fun while getting dumb! ( I got beer fools!!) This is one great way to do it! I like the Idea of doing "The Thing" with G.I. Joe toys with the live action movie on the way this will most likely be better unless the is some weird movie god out there that makes this one work. I digress the music is great in this really sets the mood for this parody and I must say I can't wait to see what else this group comes up with. I do have a wish list Do "He-man" to Jaws that would be cool or even Transformer toys doing "Night of the living Dead".  Well I've rambled a long long enough....Oh Snap...I'm Out!!

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Oh Snap, It's about Freakin time!!

After years of Fighting over who didn't pass to whom, Cheech and Chong are back. 25 years later they're getting on the road and going to kick ass, there are a lot of other comics I've said that need to get back to their roots (Eddie Murphy!!!) I hope they are watching!! Get off the ,"I can make a movie and be funny" and get back to, "Oh snap people like what I say when I say it". Feel the comedy flow with in your veins and you'll get the glow, that body glow... damn can't watch "Star Wars" or " The Last Dragon" before writing these stories....Oh Snap....I'm Out!!

Oh Snap jetpacks almost real!!

In this test of the Martin Jet pack you can see they are a little worried about it getting too far away. This GAS powered jetpack could fly for 40 minutes on a tank of GAS! At 100k I'm not sure who would pay for this.I mean the cost of GAS right now, ah I'll walk and make the buzzing sound with my mouth! I still have hopes that one day I'll have one of my own, only a fews steps away, but still a dream!!

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